All games from bootleg (ordered by year)
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Cabinet Name Status Year Manufacturer ROM
Puzznic (Italian bootleg) good 1989 bootleg puzznici
Secret Agent (bootleg) preliminar 1989 bootleg secretab
Shadow Dancer (bootleg) imperfect 1989 bootleg shdancbl
Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90) imperfect 1989 bootleg wc90b1
Worldcup '90 imperfect 1989 bootleg wc90b2
Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (bootleg) good 1990 bootleg airbustrb
American Poker II (bootleg, set 1) good 1990 bootleg ampkr2b1
American Poker II (bootleg, set 2) good 1990 bootleg ampkr2b2
Alien Storm (bootleg, set 2) preliminar 1990 bootleg astormb2
Alien Storm (bootleg, set 1) imperfect 1990 bootleg astormbl
The Combatribes (bootleg set 1) good 1990 bootleg ctribeb
The Combatribes (bootleg set 2) good 1990 bootleg ctribeb2
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (bootleg) good 1990 bootleg ddragon3b
Jolly Card (Italian, encrypted bootleg) good 1990 bootleg jolycdib
Monky Elf (Korean bootleg of Avenging Spirit) preliminar 1990 bootleg monkelf
US AAF Mustang (bootleg) good 1990 bootleg mustangb
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (bootleg) imperfect 1990 bootleg mwalkbl
Pit Fighter (bootleg) good 1990 bootleg pitfightb
Poker De Win good 1990 bootleg pkrdewin
Rabbit Poker (Arizona Poker v1.1?) good 1990 bootleg rabbitpk
Rod-Land (Japan bootleg) good 1990 bootleg rodlandjb
Super Lucky Roulette imperfect 1990 bootleg roul
Super Pang (World 900914, bootleg) preliminar 1990 bootleg spangbl
ThunderForce AC (bootleg) good 1990 bootleg tfrceacb
Thunder & Lightning (bootleg with Tetris sound) preliminar 1990 bootleg thunderlbl
Vandyke (bootleg with PIC16c57) preliminar 1990 bootleg vandykeb
Videomat (Polish bootleg) good 1990 bootleg videomat
Three Wonders (hack) good 1991 bootleg 3wondersh
Block Block (bootleg) good 1991 bootleg blockbl
Captain Commando (bootleg) preliminar 1991 bootleg captcommb
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